Student Data Submissions – Classic TEAMS Step 2 – Generate Current Students Report

The Current Students Report will be used to confirm that the data for each student currently studying with you is correct. For example, if you are preparing to submit your student data to NCVER for 2022 then you would look for all enrolments that are continuing to study within the calendar year. The dates you would enter for this report would be 01 Jan 2022 to 31 Dec 2022.

A current/continuing student enrolment is for example, where a student’s enrolment start date may have been in 2020 and their enrolment end date is either in 2022 or in say 2023. As long as the enrolment is flagged as started then it should be in the submission and you need to confirm the student level data in this step is correct.

Whereas, let’s say a student’s enrolment start date was in 2020 but their enrolment end date was in 2021, then they would not be a continuing/current student studying in 2022 and should not be in the export for 2022. Once the report has generated you need to open it and focus on the following columns to answer specific questions.

Recommended Report Parameters to use

Using the example that you are preparing for a student data submission for 2022, the below recommended parameters should be used for this report.

In the report parameter image above we have selected only one campus for the Gold Coast. Where you have multiple campuses, you will have to select all the campuses where you have VET enrolments for this report. You must also select the option for the parameter of Include Enrolments to Current as this will show you all enrolments that are flagged as started and considered a current/continuing enrolment in the calendar year and then you can review in future steps, if the enrolment data is correct or not.

  • Student Name – it is mandatory to have the student’s name in both the First Name and Last name fields in the Student Entry screen. This report does not have columns to show the break down of the student’s name such as a column for First Name and another for Last Name. However, where a student only has one name OR in their passport their full name is considered one name such as Ramneet Kaur, then you must enter the entire name in both the First Name and Last Name fields in the Student Entry screen. Where you have done this then you should see in this column something like Ramneet Kaur Ramneet Kaur or RAMNEET KAUR, Ramneet Kaur. Note: this is column B in the report.
  • DOB – this is mandatory, if you do not have a Date of birth (DOB) for a student you will get errors in your submission. Note: this is in column C.
  • AVETMISS Student – it is important to set a student as an AVETMISS student where they have an enrolment in a VET qualification and/or competency in the system. If you do not do this, the system will ignore that student and their enrolments in the export. Note: this is in column Y.
  • Gender – this is mandatory, if you do not have a Gender for the student you will get errors in your submission. Note: this is in column AD and is labelled as Sex.
  • USI No – you need to confirm if each of your starting students in this report have a USI Number or not, where they are enrolled in a VET qualification/competency. If they are and you do not have a USI Number for them, then you must start contacting student’s and have them supply you with this number. Important: there is a maximum number of students that you can have without a USI No, however it is based on a percentage that NCVER do not give out. We also do not know this percentage, so it is best that you have a USI entered for all your students. If you do not meet the maximum percentage of students without a USI then you will NOT have a successful submission. Note: this is in column BJ.

Important: all of the above fields are in the Student Entry screen in Class TEAMS. Once you have a list of student’s with missing data or incorrect data from the report you will need to open each one in this screen and update the information. You can update the AVETMISS Student setting in bulk by using the Bulk Student AVETMISS and Other Settings screen in Classic TEAMS. Also, one very important field that is not in the report but mandatory is the Student Survey Status. You can also update this in bulk using the same Bulk Student AVETMISS and Other Settings screen.

REMEMBER: keep this report for future steps of the Student Data submission process.

Student Data Submissions – Classic TEAMS Step 2 – Generate Starters Report

The Starters Report will be used to confirm if all the students that have an enrolment with a start date within the calendar year of your student data submission. For example,. if you are preparing to submit your student data to NCVER for 2022 then you would look for all enrolments with an enrolment start date from the 01 Jan 2022 to 31 Dec 2022. Once the report has generated you need to open it and focus on the following columns to answer specific questions.

Recommended Report Parameters to use

Using the example that you are preparing for a student data submission for 2022, the below recommended parameters should be used for this report.

In the report parameter image above we have selected only one campus for the Gold Coast. Where you have multiple campuses, you will have to select all the campuses where you have VET enrolments for this report. You must also select the option for the parameter of Report Type to Show All as this will show you all enrolments that were meant to start in the calendar year and then you can review in future steps if they are flagged as started correctly or not.

  • Student First Name – it is mandatory to have the student’s name in this field, preferably their first name. Where a student only has one name OR in their passport their full name is considered one name such as Ramneet Kaur, then you must enter the entire name in this field and the Student Last Name field. Note: this field is near the end of the report in column BR.
  • Student Last Name – it is mandatory to have the student’s name in this field, preferably their last/family name. As with the Student First Name field, where a student only has one name OR in their passport their full name is considered as one name such as Ramneet Kaur, then you must enter the entire name in this field. Note: this field is near the end of the report in column BS.
  • Gender – this is mandatory, if you do not have a Gender for the student you will get errors in your submission. Note: this is in column E.
  • DOB – this is mandatory, if you do not have a Date of birth (DOB) for a student you will get errors in your submission. Note: this is in column F.
  • USI No – you need to confirm if each of your starting students in this report have a USI Number or not, where they are enrolled in a VET qualification/competency. If they are and you do not have a USI Number for them, then you must start contacting student’s and have them supply you with this number. Important: there is a maximum number of students that you can have without a USI No, however it is based on a percentage that NCVER do not give out. We also do not know this percentage, so it is best that you have a USI entered for all your students. If you do not meet the maximum percentage of students without a USI then you will NOT have a successful submission. Note: this is in column BJ.
  • USI Verified – once you have the student’s USI No and have entered it, you need to set it as verified. Even if the student has their USI prior to commencing studies with you, it is the responsibility of an RTO to verify that it is the correct USI and identify this in their student management system. Note: You can see if a student’s USI is verified or not by looking column BQ of this report.
  • AVETMISS Student – it is important to set a student as an AVETMISS student where they have an enrolment in a VET qualification and/or competency in the system. If you do not do this, the system will ignore that student and their enrolments in the export. Note: this is in column BL.

Important: all of the above fields are in the Student Entry screen in Class TEAMS. Once you have a list of student’s with missing data or incorrect data from the report you will need to open each one in this screen and update the information. You can update the AVETMISS Student setting in bulk by using the Bulk Student AVETMISS and Other Settings screen in Classic TEAMS. Also, one very important field that is not in the report but mandatory is the Student Survey Status. You can also update this in bulk using the same Bulk Student AVETMISS and Other Settings screen.

REMEMBER: keep this report for future steps of the Student Data submission process.

NCVER AVETMISS Student Data Submissions – RTO TEAMS Step 2

Compliance Menu > Compliance Dashboard > AVETMISS – Students

Student Data

Your student information is exported into a number of different NAT files that include:

  • NAT00080 – this is the primary student data file that includes name, date of birth, contact details, address information etc.
  • NAT00085 – this is the full address file for each of the students listed in the NAT00080

IMPORTANT: for every student listed in the NAT00080, there should be one entry for them in the NAT00085 and where required the NAT00130. For the NAT00120, there should be at least one entry, however, there can be multiple entries. To review and clean up any data for students you need to follow the steps below. To review and clean up any data for students you need to go to the new Compliance Dashboard.

To Know more about the AVETMISS Student data, select the below links.

AVETMISS Flag Missing

Survey Status Missing

Incomplete AVETMISS Address

With No USIs

With USIs Not Verified

Missing DOB

Missing Gender

Missing Family Name

NCVER AVETMISS Student Data Submissions – Classic TEAMS Step 2

Student Data

Your student information is exported into a number of different NAT files that include

  • NAT00080 – this is the primary student data file that includes name, date of birth, contact details, address information etc
  • NAT00085 – this is the full address file for each of the students listed in the NAT00080

Important: for every student listed in the NAT00080, there should one entry for them in the NAT00085 and where required the NAT00130. For the NAT00120, there should be at least one entry, however there can be multiple entries. To review and clean up any data for students you need to follow the steps below.

To know what student data to look at you have to consider the enrolment data that will be exported. From this you can then find each student linked to enrolments. For any calendar year that you submit to NCVER there are three different types of enrolment data that will be included in the files that are:

  • Starters – this is all the students that commenced an enrolment, so their enrolment start date is within the calendar year of the export you are planning to do. For example, if you are doing a student data submission to NCVER for 2022, then enrolments with an enrolment start date in 2022 would be considered a starter.
  • Continuing/current students – this is all the students that commenced their study prior to the calendar year you are doing a data submission for. For example, if you are doing a student data submission to NCVER for 2022, then the enrolment start date would be before 01 Jan 2022.
  • Finishers – this is all the students that have or will complete their study in the calendar year you are doing a data submission for. For example, if you are doing a student data submission to NCVER for 2022, then the enrolment end date would be between 01 Jan 2022 and 31 Dec 2022.

Based on the above types of enrolments you need to generate the different reports below and then focus on the following mandatory data that needs to be in the NAT00080 and NAT00085 for each student. This data includes:

  • Student Name – there must be a name in both the First Name and Last Name fields for each student in Class TEAMS.
  • Gender
  • DOB
  • USI No
  • AVETMISS Student – this means they are flagged as an AVETMISS student in the student entry screen. If a student is enrolled in a VET qualification or competency and the student is NOT flagged as AVETMISS, the system will ignore the enrolment and student for the export.
  • Student Survey Status

The easiest way to view in bulk and identify what data is missing or needs to be cleaned up is by generating the following reports. Each report will be used to identify if specific data is correct or missing. Once you generate these reports, keep them as they will be used in future steps as well.

NCVER AVETMISS Student Data Submissions – Classic TEAMS Step 1

Campus and Training Locations

Your campus and training location information is exported into the NAT00010 and NAT0020. In this step, you need to review that the information is correct for the calendar year that you are doing your student data submission for.

For example: when you first started using TEAMS you would have had one or many campuses setup and we would have setup and linked to each campus a training location. Where it was identified that you only needed one training location per campus we would have also set that as the default training location so it always updates against each enrolment that you linked to a specific campus. However, if you had to have multiple training locations per campus then it was up to your staff to select the correct training location at the proposal or enrolment. Now in the calendar year that you are submitting data, your circumstances may have changed that you have introduced a new campus and/or new training location and have not considered that this impacts your submissions.

Important: even though this setup and data you are reviewing is related to the NAT00010 and NAT0020 the training location in the NAT00020 also shows in the NAT00120 which is the NAT file with the biggest load of data in it. So, if you do not have a training location linked to an enrolment, for every subject for that enrolment listed in the NAT00120, you will have the same error. This means if an enrolment has 10 subjects listed against it in the NAT00120 without a training location, you will see that error 10 times in your error list. Now repeat this for each enrolment that you haven’t linked the training location to and it can add up to hundreds if not thousands of rows of errors.

NCVER AVETMISS Student Data Submissions – RTO TEAMS Steps

RTO TEAMS is the new version of the system that was released in 2020. If you are still using this version then you need to follow the steps below to manage your annual student data submission to NCVER.

IMPORTANT: the deadline for the national student data submission to NCVER is not until the last business day in February of any given calendar year. It is critical that you work through these steps well before February to make sure you have a successful submission by the deadline. It is recommended that you put a process in place so that on a monthly or quarterly basis throughout the year, that you follow these steps and then do a submission to NCVER to test your data.

Before you even do an AVETMISS export from TEAMS, do all of these steps below

Step 1

Campus and Training Locations

Relates to the NAT00010 and NAT00020

Step 2

Student Data

Relates to the NAT00080 and NAT00085

Step 3

Enrolment Training Plan Data

Relates to the NAT00120

Step 4

Qualifications Issued

Relates to the NAT00130

Step 5

Subject Data

Relates to the NAT00060

Step 6

Program Data

Relates to the NAT0030

Step 7

Student Disabilities

Relates to the NAT00090
coming soon

Step 8

Student Prior Educational Achievement

Relates to the NAT00100
coming soon

NCVER AVETMISS Student Data Submissions – Classic TEAMS Steps

Classic TEAMS is the original version of the system. If you are still using this version then you need to follow the steps below to manage your annual student data submission to NCVER.

Important: the deadline for the national student data submission to NCVER is not until the last business day in February of any given calendar year. It is critical that you work through these steps well before February to make sure you have a successful submission by the deadline. It is recommended that you put a process in place so that on a monthly or quarterly basis throughout the year, that you follow these steps and then do a submission to NCVER to test your data.

Before you even do an AVETMISS export from TEAMS, do all of these steps below

Step 1

Campus and Training Locations

Relates to the NAT00010 and NAT00020

Step 2

Student Data

Relates to the NAT00080 and NAT00085

Step 3

Enrolment Training Plan Data

Relates to the NAT00120

Step 4

Qualifications Issued

Relates to the NAT00130

Step 5

Subject Data

Relates to the NAT00060

Step 6

Program Data

Relates to the NAT0030

Step 7

Student Disabilities

Relates to the NAT00090
coming soon

Step 8

Student Prior Educational Achievement

Relates to the NAT00100
coming soon

What’s New – 2nd Dec 2022

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • New check box for Refund & Cancel, transfer & Cancel
  • New ASQA Enrolment and Completion Data Report has been introduced under the Compliance menu
  • You can allocate subject to multiple enrolments from the subject allocation screen
  • Now search student with enrolment or application number from the search bar
  • Field label name change for TRS Number to WAAMS Number

IMPORTANT – as you will see below, there are only 13 weeks until the deadline for your 2022 Student Data NCVER submissions. Have you been managing your data? If not, please see the post below for the first steps. We will be releasing further steps over the coming weeks on how to review and manage your data for the submissions.

Please see below for a full list of what has been added to this release.

NCVER Annual Student Data Submission

Have you been maintaining and managing your student data this year in preparation for your annual student data submission? In this post we walk through the first two steps of what you need to do in TEAMS.

We highly recommend you start these steps now, as these are critical to future steps where the larger volume of data is and where the biggest list of errors come from.

New Refund & Cancel, transfer & Cancel Check Box

We have added new checkboxes Refund and Cancel and Transfer and Cancel under the Refund and Transfer screens.

These check boxes will display while creating a refund against a receipt or at the time of transferring the receipted amount. By selecting these options, the system will cancel the related invoice or the partial fee amount from the invoice at the same time.

ASQA Enrolment and Completion Data Report

Based on requests from ASQA to a number of our clients, we have created their template for Enrolment and Completion Data into a new report in the system. You can find this in the Compliance Menu.

Based on the date range you enter, the system will look for all enrolments and any subject where there is a final results with a result date in the date range.

Bulk Subject Allocation – Changes

This screen allows you to allocate a subject to multiple enrolments at the same. We have made changes to allow you to also:

Set the Start and End Date for the Subject

Select a Subject that you want to remove/delete from the enrolments that you are going to add a new Subject against.

Main Dashboard Search bar Changes

From the Main Dashboard > Search Bar, you will be able to enter and search on an enrolment or application number. Based on what you search on, you will then be able to open the relevant dashboard.

TRS Number Field Label Change

In the Applicant and Student > AVETMISS entry screens, we have changed the field label name for TRS Number to WAAMS Number. WAAMS (WA Apprenticeship Management System) is specifically for any Western Australian funded client.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 15th December 2022

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Continuing Listing Screen


This listing screen is comprised of two parts. The top part shows us a list of fields that we can use to filter the list. The bottom part is a list of all the continuing/current students. Continuing students are those that are not starting or finishing in the date range and program selected from the Continuing tile.

For example: on the Continuing tile if you select from the calendar option This Month, it will show you a list of all the students who have an enrolment where the enrolment start and end dates are not within This Month. The system considers these enrolments to be Continuing, as they are continuing to study within this month.

When you select This Month, the system looks at today’s date and what month it is to then use as the month to find enrolments.

How to get a total number of students in the college for the month?

If you want to get an actual total number of students in your college for the month, you would set the calendar option in the Continuing tile as well as in the Starters and Finishers tiles to the option for This Month. If you then look at the totals for all three tiles and add them together, that will then be the total of all your students expected to be in your college for the month. If you wanted it for let’s say next month, chose the same calendar option in all three tiles for Next Month and do the sum of the totals in the same way.

IMPORTANT: as part of getting your total number of students for This Month or Next Month and so on, you need to take care of the Starters and Finishers tiles with which number to use in the sum as mentioned above. The Starters and Finishers tiles show two numbers such as 12/15. This means that there are 15 starters or finishers and of this, only 12 have been set as started/finished in the system. To make sure you get an accurate number for how many students are in your college this month, you must use the left hand side number to sum up, such as 12, not the right hand side number of 15.

Filters/Parameters section:

To open this screen, you would have selected the link for a specific program code or at the bottom of the Continuing tile you would have selected the link for the total number count. Based on what you selected the system will open the screen and populate the information in this section. For example, it will show you the start and end dates that were used in the tile as well as the campus/s and program/s that were displayed or selected in the tile.

For an explanation of each filter and how the system will use it, please click here for more information.

Continuing Listing

Each continuing student and their enrolment details are shown in this list.

Icons – Click here to learn more about how to use these icons

Burger Menu – Click here to learn more about how to use the burger menu

There are a few columns in this grid that do need some explanation, those columns are as follows:

Previous/Future Program Column

This allows you to see, for each student in the grid, if they have a future enrolment to commence after the current one or if prior to their current enrolment had they completed a previous one with you. If it is a previous enrolment you will see that program code to the left of the / and if it is a future enrolment you will see the program code to the right of the /. Where the student has no previous or future enrolments, only the current enrolment, then you would only see the / in the column for that student.

Successful Results and Total Subject/UoS column

This gives you a count of the total Subjects or UoS linked to the enrolment and how many have a successful result. The total count linked to the enrolment is on the right hand side of the / in the column and the total successful result count is on the left of it.

What’s New – 17th Nov 2022

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • Visa/CoE changes to the Applicant/Application and Student/Enrolment
  • New feature enrolments can’t be longer than five years
  • Subject and Assessment Result new check on Training Plan and Results screen
  • New Visa Expiry Date column on the Visa Screen
  • Agent field changes on the Application screen
  • New Visa Type column on the Attendance and Results screen

Please see below for a full list of what has been added to this release.

Visa/CoE Details Changes

We have made some new changes to the Visa/CoE details screen in TEAMS.

AD & APD – You will only be able to add/edit the Visa details at the Applicant level. At the application level, you will only be able to view the Visa details in read only format.

SD & ED – You will now be able to add both Visa and CoE information for a student from Student Dashboard and this will be the only location where you can add/edit information for the student/enrolment. However, the Visa/CoE details will reflect as read only from the Enrolment Dashboard level.

Enrolment Dates – Can’t be longer than five years

We have added a new check in the application process where the system will not allow you to add the program to the application if the program’s start date and end date are selected as more than five years.

Training Plan & Results – Subject and Assessment Result new check

As you all know, students can have multiple enrolments with multiple subjects and multiple assessments linked to the subjects

We have added a new check on the Training Plan & Results screen which will not allow you to change the result of the subjects if you have entered the final result of all the assessments linked to that subject.

Visa Information – New column Expiry date

We have now added a new column on the visa information screen for all the objects.

You will see this column on Applicant &Application, Student & Enrolment Dashboards.

New Application – Agent Field changes

We have done some changes to the Agent Field in the New Application Step 1.

This change will not reflect the Inactive Agents while the application process.

Attendance – New Column Visa Type

We have added a new column under the Attendance & Result screen in the bottom grid named Visa Type.

It will reflect the student’s visa-type information.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 1st December 2022

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.