What’s New – 12th Jan 2023

Welcome to the latest update for TEAMS

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • New Attendance Hours Report has been introduced under the Compliance menu
  • New Agent Details report has been introduced under the Marketing menu
  • Addition of a new column in the Application Processed Report
  • The overseas tab is now available for Next of kin details
  • You can now unallocate Timetable from enrolments
  • New reference field for refunds
  • New Pre-deducted feature on the Agent Financial Screen

For a full list of what has been done in the system, please see the below list:

Attendance Hours Report

We have added a new report Attendance Hours in the system

This report will show you the Attended and Absent hours for each enrolment of the student for a selected period.

Agent Details Report

We have added a new report Agent details report to the system

This report will show you every detail of the Agent such as the Agent’s Name, Agent Code, address, commissions etc.

Enrolment Status Column – Application Processed Report

We have added a new column Enrolment Status in the Application Processed Report.

You will be able to see the enrolment status such as Current, Finished and Not Yet Started.

Next of Kin Address Details – Overseas tab

We have added new address fields in the system which will allow you to add the Overseas Next Of Kin address on the Overseas screen.

Cancel Enrolment – UnAllocate Timetable

We have added a new check unallocate Timetable in the system.

You will be now able to unallocate the timetable while canceling the enrolment.

Added Reference in the refund

Now we are also displaying the reference in the refund transaction details on the student financial screen

You will be able to see the reference value entered while creating the refund and also you can print the reference value in the refund report as well.

New Feature Pre-Deducted – Agent Financial screen

We have made some changes to the Agent Financial Details Screen where you will able to identify the Agent Payment as Pre-Deducted or Post-deducted.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 26th January 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Employer Tracking

Application / Enrolment Dashboard > Employer Icon

history of changes

This screen is primarily used by funded clients, specifically for User Choice contracts, to track the employer/s linked to the student’s enrolment. Non-funded clients can also use this screen to add employers for work placements, however, no matter what type of college you are in, you need to set up Employers in the system first. Once you have set up employers, you can then use this screen to add an employer to the enrolment or application.

This screen can be accessed from the Enrolment Dashboard’s profile and Application Dashboard’s Profile section.

Where you are adding an employer for a Funded enrolment:

Explanation of the Fields:

Field NameExplanation
Employer RoleSelect the Employer role under this field.
Employer NameType in the name or code of the employer under this magic search field.
Start DateEnter the start date of the purchasing contract that your college, employer, and student have.
End DateEnter the end date of the purchasing contract that your college, employer, and student have.
Client IdentifierThis is typically known as the Delta number from the government’s Delta system for User Choice contracts, however, if it is not a User Choice contract enter any other number, specifically identified as the client identifier, that relates to the specific funded contract linked to the enrolment.
Training Contract IdentifierDepending on which State the enrolment is funded in will determine what number you enter here. In QLD this number is the same as the Client Identifier whereas if you are in Victoria, typically there is a different number you enter here. You would need to look at your contract and the State specific requirements to see what number you should enter here.

Employer Role – you will see three options to select as follows:

  1. GTO – only select this if the Employer is the GTO which means the system will also consider this employer as the Legal employer as well.

    Note: You will not be able to add another employer to the enrolment with an employer role of Legal when you select this employer role.

  2. Host – typically this option would only be used where you have a GTO Employer linked to the enrolment. The GTO employer contracts the student out to a ‘host’ employer and you need to add the information for that employer to the enrolment.

  3. Legal – if the employer is not a GTO, then you would enter an employer with an employer role of Legal.

IMPORTANT: for your funded enrolments, where you have an employer linked with the purchasing contract information, the system will only ever use the employer role of GTO or Legal to export information in the NAT files for the enrolment. The Host employer role will be ignored for AVETMISS purposes.

Note: where a student leaves an employer (legal or GTO) then you may need to change the end date against the enrolment. If you will be adding a new employer, then you must change the end date of the first employer to the last date they were contracted to the employer, before entering a new employer against the enrolment. You cannot have overlapping start and/or end dates for each employer in this scenario.

Where you are adding an employer for Work Placement:

Explanation of the Fields:

Field NameExplanation
Employer NameType in the name or code of the employer and select it.
Start DateUpdate the start date for the work placement with the employer.
End DateUpdate the end date for the work placement with the employer.

IMPORTANT: There is no save button for this screen as it will autosave when you select the Add button.

Enrolment Dashboard

history of changes

This will give you an overview of a student’s study for a particular program that they are currently or have previously studied with you. Like all dashboards, it is comprised of a number of different tiles that will allow you to navigate to different screens and information linked to the enrolment.


Here are all the tiles present on the enrolment dashboard. You can learn more about each tile by clicking on the image of the tile.

These tiles are common tiles in all the dashboards.

What’s New – 15th Dec 2022

This is the last update of the Year 2022.

Some key changes made in this update are:

  • Generate Transcripts in bulk for student certificates
  • Changes to the word reports on the Report Dashboard
  • Download attachments from the communications log screen
  • Bulk feature to unstart and unfinish enrolments
  • New finish status column under starters listing screen

Please see below for a full list of what has been added to this release.

NCVER Annual Student Data Submission

Have you been maintaining and managing your student data this year in preparation for your annual student data submission? In this post, we walk through the first two steps of what you need to do in TEAMS.

We highly recommend you start these steps now, as these are critical to future steps where the larger volume of data is and where the biggest list of errors comes from.

Bulk generating Transcripts – Certificates

We have introduced a new feature Print Certificates in bulk in the system.

You will be able to generate certificates for the enrolments from the Continuing and Finishers listing screens

Report Dashboard – Word Report Changes

We have made some changes to Report Dashboard for the offer letter and Certificates reports in the system. 

You will be able to see student information such as student number and enrolment number, Application number.

Also, you will see the parameters (Start Date, End date and Campus) for the Starters and Finisher reports in the system.

Communication Log Screen – Ability To Download Attachments

We have added the ability to download the attachment from the communication log under the email view section.

Unstart/Unfinish Enrolments In Bulk

In the system, you will be able able to unstart enrolments from the Starters Listing Screen and Unfinish Enrolments from Finishers Listing Screen.

Starters Listing Screen – New Column

We have added a new column Finish Status in the starters listing Grid and changed the column name from Enrol Status to Start Status.

Our mission is to build software that helps you do things more efficiently. Your input and engagement are vital in helping us improve our service and offerings for your college. We are always open to listening to your feedback.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to serving you to the best of our ability.

Please review the changes and if you would like further clarification, please contact our Support team.

A big thank you to so many of you who have been actively participating in helping us bring these new improvements to life.

Next update is due on Thursday, 12th January 2023

Note: Please alert other team members within your college if the changes outlined above affect their role or department.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Student Dashboard

history of changes

IMPORTANT – We believe that staying informed about the latest developments in our software is vital for optimising your experience and maximising the benefits of using our system. To view the latest updates and modifications on the Student Dashboard, we kindly request you to navigate to the History icon history of changes showing above. By selecting this icon, you will gain access to a detailed log of all the recent changes made to the software.

This will give you a summary of the history of the student with your college. It is comprised of several different tiles that will allow you to navigate to different screens and information linked to the student.


Here are all the tiles present on the student dashboard. You can learn more about each tile by clicking on the image of the tile.

Edit Applicant/Student Address Screens

These screens allow you to add or edit addresses for the applicant or student. You can add the following address details such as:

Local Address
Mailing Address.

IMPORTANT – If the Applicant or a Student is flagged as AVETMISS then the Street name, Street number and Suburb are mandatory fields to select under the AVETMISS Address.

Note – Once the Applicant is converted to a student, then you won’t be able to make any changes to Addresses from the edit applicant address screen. However, you make changes from the Student dashboard > Edit Address screen.

Also, If the Local Address and Mailing Address is the same as the AVETMISS Address then you can copy the AVETMISS address by selecting the Copy AVETMISS Address and Copy Address tick boxes.

Explanation of the fields

AVETMISS AddressCurrent Local AddressMailing Address
Building/Property NameThe building/property details of an address in AVETMISS 8 format. eg. “Stuart Apartment” is not a mandatory field.Copy AVETMISS AddressYou can mark this option if the current local address is as same as the AVETMISS address. It will update the address in all the fields automatically.Copy AddressYou can mark this option if the mailing address is as same as the AVETMISS address. It will update the address in all the fields automatically.
Flat/Unit DetailsThe level/unit details of the address in AVETMISS 8 format. eg. “Apartment 234”, or “Level 8”. Non-mandatory field.Address Line 1If the current local address is different from the AVETMISS address you can add it manually in this field.Address Line 1If the mailing address is different from the AVETMISS address you can add it manually in this field.
Street NumberThe street number of the address in AVETMISS 8 format. eg. “101”, “240-248”.Non-mandatory field.Address Line 2If the current local address is different from the AVETMISS address you can add it manually in this field.Address Line 2If the mailing address is different from the AVETMISS address you can add it manually in this field.
Street NameThe street name of the address in AVETMISS 8 format. eg. “Queens street”, or “Palm Lane”. Mandatory field.Address Line 3If the current local address is different from the AVETMISS address you can add it manually in this field.Address Line 3If the mailing address is different from the AVETMISS address you can add it manually in this field.
AVETMISS SuburbIt is a usercode dropdown field. you can select a suburb in this field. If you do not find a suitable suburb you can ask us, and we will add it.SuburbIt is a usercode dropdown field. you can select a suburb in this field. If you do not find a suitable suburb you can ask us, and we will add it.SuburbIt is a usercode dropdown field. you can select a suburb in this field. If you do not find a suitable suburb you can ask us, and we will add it.
StateIt is a read-only field, It will auto-populate when you select the suburb.StateIt is a read-only field, It will auto-populate when you select the suburb.StateIt is a read-only field, It will auto-populate when you select the suburb.
PostcodeIt is a read-only field, It will auto-populate when you select the suburb.Post CodeIt is a read-only field, It will auto-populate when you select the suburb.Post CodeIt is a read-only field, It will auto-populate when you select the suburb.
CountryIt is a read-only field, It will auto-populate when you select the suburb.CountryIt is a read-only field, It will auto-populate when you select the suburb.CountryIt is a read-only field, It will auto-populate when you select the suburb.

Edit Applicant/Student Details Screen

These screens will allow you to add/edit the information about the Applicant and Student. You can find these screens under:

Applicant Dashboard > Applicant Profile Tile > Edit Applicant Screen

Student Dashboard > Student Profile Tile > Edit Student Screen

Note Once the Applicant is converted to a Student then you won’t be able to add/edit any details at the applicant level. However, you can make changes from the Student Dashboard > edit student screen.

Explanation of the Fields

CampusIt is a dropdown field, where you can select a campus for students. You can also select all as an option if the student has enrolments in different campuses.
Student NumberIt is a system generated field.
USI NumberThis is a Unique Student Identifier number and is a read only field.
TitleIt is a user code field, we can help you to add more titles if needed.
First NameYou can add the first name of the student here.
Middle NameYou can add the Middle name of the student here.
SurnameYou can add the Surname or last name of the student here.
English NameYou can add the English name of the student here.
GenderIt is a dropdown field, where you can select the specific gender of the student.
Date of BirthThis field shows a calendar where you can select the date of birth of the student.
Local StudentYou can select this option if the student is a local resident of the country where he/she is studying.
Overseas StudentThis is for international students. If the student is studying in the same country then select “onshore” but if the student is studying from a different country then please select “offshore
Nationality Nationality of the student.
CountryCountry of the student.
Marketing SourceThis is a user code field, you can select the options from the drop-down. If you need to set up any other options, kindly contact support.
Mobile NumberYou can add the mobile number of the student in this field.
Work NumberAdd the work contact number of the student.
Phone numberPhone number of the student.
Skype IDYou can add the student’s skype ID here.
Primary Email AddressThis email address will be used for all communications with the student.
Secondary Email AddressAdd the secondary email address of the student
Additional Email AddressYou can add another email address here
Send Emails to all available addressesIf this tick box is ticked, the system will send emails to all other email addresses too including the primary email addresses i.e. secondary email addresses and additional email addresses.
UnsubscribeBy ticking this tick box, you can unsubscribe from all the marketing emails. That means the student will not receive any marketing emails.
Special NeedsIf the student has any special requests or needs. You can tick the tick box and then can add special notes in the note box.
Always make sure to hit back at the notes icon after entering the notes to save it.
AVETMISSIf you are going to report this student to the government and the student is studying in any VET course, kindly tick this tick box. This is very important for compliance.
Has VSN NoYou can update the Victorian Student No in this field.
Level of StudentYou can select the level of the student if he/she is studying an ELICOS course.
Student OccupationYou can update the occupation of the student here.
LoginIt is a system-generated field where login details of the student portal or moodle will be populated.
Current passwordIt is a system-generated field where the password for the student portal or moodle will be populated.
ScoreHere You can update the English test score of the student.
Would you like to book homestay accommodation?You can select if students want to book accommodation (with or without meals) from the college. 
DurationYou can update the duration of the stay for a student.
Would you like to book our airport pick-up services?If the student wants to book airport pick-up services, you can select this option.
Do you require us to arrange Overseas Student Health Cover for you?If the student wants to arrange Overseas Student Health Cover, you can select this option.
Alternate Student numberStudent numbers given to a student other than system generated student numbers should be added in this field.

Applicant Dashboard – Account Manager

Applicant Dashboard > Applicant Profile Tile > Account Manager Icon

This icon will display the name of the account manager. If you want to change the account manager then you can change it by clicking on the icon itself. This will open a popup window where you can enter the first two letters of the account manager and it will display all the account managers starting with those letters. Select the appropriate account manager and select the update button.

Note: You cannot edit or change the Account Manager once the applicant is converted to a student. However, you can make changes from the Student Dashboard.

NCVER AVETMISS Student Data Submissions – RTO TEAMS Step 1

Campus and Training Locations

Your campus and training location information is exported into the NAT00010 and NAT0020. In this step you need to review that the information is correct for the calendar year that you are doing your student data submission for.

For example: when you first started using TEAMS you would have had one or many campuses setup and we would have setup and linked to each campus a training location. Where it was identified that you only needed one training location per campus we would have also set that as the default training location so it always updates against each enrolment that you linked to a specific campus. However, if you had to have multiple training locations per campus then it was up to your staff to select the correct training location at the proposal or enrolment. Now in the calendar year that you are submitting data for your circumstances may have changed that you have introduced a new campus and/or new training location and have not considered that this impacts your submissions.

Important: even though this setup and data you are reviewing is related to the NAT00010 and NAT0020 the training location in the NAT00020 also shows in the NAT00120 which is the NAT file with the biggest load of data in it. So, if you do not have a training location linked to an enrolment, for every subject for that enrolment listed in the NAT00120, you will have the same error. This means if an enrolment has 10 subjects listed against it in the NAT00120 without a training location, you will see that error 10 times in your error list. Now repeat this for each enrolment that you haven’t linked the training location to and it can add up to hundreds if not thousands of rows of errors.

Student Data Submissions – Classic TEAMS Step 2 – Generate Finishers Report

The Finishers Report will be used to confirm that the data for each student who has completed their studies with you is correct. For example, if you are preparing to submit your student data to NCVER for 2022 then you would look for all enrolments that have or will finish their study within the calendar year. The dates you would enter for this report would be 01 Jan 2022 to 31 Dec 2022.

A finished student enrolment is for example, where a student’s enrolment end date is within the calendar year you are wanting to submit data for, such as in 2022. As long as the enrolment is flagged as started and finished, then it should be in the submission and you need to confirm the student level data in this step is correct.

Once the report has generated you need to open it and focus on the following columns to answer specific questions.

Recommended Report Parameters to use

Using the example that you are preparing for a student data submission for 2022, the below recommended parameters should be used for this report.

In the report parameter image above we have selected only one campus for the Gold Coast. Where you have multiple campuses, you will have to select all the campuses where you have VET enrolments for this report. You must also select the option for the parameter of Report Type to Show All as this will show you all enrolments that were meant to finish in the calendar year and then you can review in future steps if they are flagged as finished correctly or not.

  • Student Name – it is mandatory to have the student’s name in both the First Name and Last name fields in the Student Entry screen. This report does not have columns to show the break down of the student’s name such as a column for First Name and another for Last Name. However, where a student only has one name OR in their passport their full name is considered one name such as Ramneet Kaur, then you must enter the entire name in both the First Name and Last Name fields in the Student Entry screen. Where you have done this then you should see in this column something like Ramneet Kaur Ramneet Kaur or RAMNEET KAUR, Ramneet Kaur. Note: this is column B in the report.
  • DOB – this is mandatory, if you do not have a Date of birth (DOB) for a student you will get errors in your submission. Note: this is in column AJ.
  • USI No – you need to confirm if each of your starting students in this report have a USI Number or not, where they are enrolled in a VET qualification/competency. If they are and you do not have a USI Number for them, then you must start contacting student’s and have them supply you with this number. Important: there is a maximum number of students that you can have without a USI No, however it is based on a percentage that NCVER do not give out. We also do not know this percentage, so it is best that you have a USI entered for all your students. If you do not meet the maximum percentage of students without a USI then you will NOT have a successful submission. Note: this is in column AO.

Important: all of the above fields are in the Student Entry screen in Class TEAMS. Once you have a list of student’s with missing data or incorrect data from the report you will need to open each one in this screen and update the information. You can update the AVETMISS Student flag setting in bulk by using the Bulk Student AVETMISS and Other Settings screen in Classic TEAMS. Also, one very important field that is not in the report but mandatory is the Student Survey Status. You can also update this in bulk using the same Bulk Student AVETMISS and Other Settings screen.

REMEMBER: keep this report for future steps of the Student Data submission process.