Enrolment Profile Tile

Enrolment Dashboard > Enrolment Profile Tile

This tile has three different types of information that are:

  • Summary information for the enrolment, such as campus, program code, start and end date etc.
  • Vertical icons that allow you to do transactions against the enrolment or navigate to other screens.
  • Horizontal icons that identify specific information linked to the enrolment such as the agent, employer, account manager etc.

Enrolment Summary Information

The summary information you will see in this tile will relate to the student and enrolment. The information specific to the student that is displayed includes:

  • Student number – this is the number directly under the student picture
  • Student picture, if uploaded the picture
  • The student’s gender and age
  • Mobile number
  • Email address – This is the primary email address linked to the student

Vertical Icons


Horizontal Icons

Address Information

You can put your mouse over the icon and a tooltip will show any address added.

Overseas Information

A tooltip will show the passport number, passport expiry date and the international phone number of the student.

New Student

This flag is a marketing specific one that you can set in the application process or at the Edit Enrolment level. It is used in reports to identify a new student with their first enrolment (new) at your college or a returning one. If the enrolment is set as new it will show the icon in blue and if the enrolment is set as returning the icon will show in red.

AVETMISS Information

If the student is flagged as an AVETMISS student then it will show in grey. If however, the student is not set as an AVETMISS student but has an enrolment that has a VET program or subject in it, it will show in red.

Employer Tracking

It will open the employer tracking screen and will show you the name of the employer if linked. Click on the icon to know more.

Visa or CoE Information

It will open the edit CoE details screen. Click on the icon to know more.


This icon will display the linked agent’s name in the tooltip.

Account Manager

It will display the name of the account manager linked with the enrolment.


This Icon will display the USI status of the student in the tooltip i.e. whether the student has no USI (black icon) and if the USI is verified( green icon) OR not (red icon).


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us on support@rtosoftware.com.au