An Agent pre-deducts 100% of what student paid them, what do I do?

Here’s the scenario that we’re going to answer for you. A student has an invoice worth $5,000 in tuition and the commission on that is $1200. The student gives the agent, the $1200 to pay towards their invoice. But the agent keeps that money that’s full $1200. To pay for their commission amount.

Remember – The student is paying the agent the $1500 to pay to the college. The system knows the gross amount that the student paid $1500 and it knows by the Net amount is $0.00 that the agent kept that money. So it is important for you to d the transaction in TEAMS as shown below.

This is how you would do that. The receipt for the student in teams.

Look for the Invoice and update the commission Received and the Amount Received and the system will tick the pre-deduct tick box for that commission. In the above tile for the receipt, the system will show the gross amount as $1500, the Commission amount as $1500 and the Net amount as $0.00 that college will receive as you can see below in the screenshot.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us on