ASQA Enrolment and Completion Data Report Filters

ASQA Enrolment and Completion Data Report screen have a General Filters tab and the table will show you Filters with their Explanation.

General FiltersExplanation
CampusIf you have multiple campuses, it is possible to generate a report that includes data from all of them. To do so, you would need to select each campus you want to include in the report.
ProgramThe magic search field is referred to as a feature that allows you to search for and select multiple programs.
IntakeThe magic search field is referred to as a feature that allows you to search for and select multiple Intakes.
Report Start DateSelect the start date from the calendar icon and the system will print the report accordingly.
Report End DateSelect the end date from the calendar icon and the system will print the report accordingly.
Exclude Cancelled EnrolmentsSelect this tick box if you do not want the report to print Cancelled Enrolments.
Enrolment TypeSelect the Enrolment Type from the dropdown
Enrolment OutcomeSelect the Enrolment Outcome from the dropdown.
Include inactive subjects (at the enrolment level for transitioned enrolments)Select this tick box if you want to include Inactive subjects that are in the transitioned enrolments in this report.

Click on the “Print” Icon to generate the report. After clicking on it, the system will direct you to the report dashboard screen. You can see the report status over there if it’s generated or not. Once it’s generated, download the report.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us on