Unit of Study – Funding Fee

Main Dashboard > Academics > Unit of Studies > Unit of Studies Burger Menu > Funding Fee

When you select the Funding Fee option, a UoS Funding Fee screen will open, where you can add Funding Fee Setup details by selecting the +Add button.

When you select the +Add button, a funding fee setup popup window will open as shown below:

Explanation of the fields below:

Enrolment TypeFrom the dropdown menu, you can select the type of enrolment.
Funding Source NationalFrom the dropdown menu, you can select the funding source national type.
StateHere you can select the state from the dropdown.
Delivery TypeHere you can select the delivery type of the subject from the dropdown.
Nominal HoursHere you can add the nominal hours.
Hourly RateHere you can add the hourly rate of the fee, the total amount of the subject will be populated as it is a multiply of nominal hours with an hourly rate.
ActiveTick this box to make the funding fee setup active.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us on support@rtosoftware.com.au