Agent Portal – Commission Due Tile

We have introduced a new tile Commission Due tile in the Agent Portal. This tile will give you the details about the agent commission which is due for the students.

Please see the below GIF, which will show you the new tile and it’s listing screen.

Student DetailsThis column will show you the student name and Student’s enrolment number
ProgramProgram Name
Campus NameCampus Name
Student InvoicedThis column will show you student total amount for the particular invoice
Student paymentIt will show you the total student payment made against the student invoice. This amount is the total of all tuition fee receipted for the particular invoice
Agent Invoice NumberThis will show you the agent invoice number raised against the student invoice
Invoice DateStudent invoice date
CommissionAgent’s total Commission for the particular invoice
Commission PaidTotal commission paid to the agent for the particular invoice


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us on