It’s important that you understand the data that the system is showing you. The data is actually divided into two parts. The 1st 4 columns are showing the units’ information from the old program code in which the student is currently enrolled into. It will show you units, their descriptions, what the result is for each unit and result dates.
The 2nd part (the last 4 columns) will show you units from the new program code in which you are going to move the student’s enrolment.
The column Action Taken which is placed in between these two parts will give you the data in three ways:
- Same – when there is no change in the unit i.e unit in the old program code and in the new program code remains the same.
- Superseded – when the unit is superseded i.e the unit linked with old program is also superseded. However, the description is the same for the unit. Learn how to make a unit superseded in TEAMS, so that the system can map the units.
- Newly Added – when the unit isn’t linked with old program code and is now linked with new program code.
From this screen, you can update the result for all the units that are linked with the new program code.
1) If a unit has a successful, unsuccessful or progressive result in the old program code, then the system will automatically update the same result and result date in the new program code for those units. This can include all the units that are same in both the program codes or are superseded. However, you are still given the facility to update the result if there is any need.
2) If the units are newly added, then you can update the result and result date manually.
After you are done selecting the result and result dates, you need to hit the Save button, so that the system can transit a student’s enrolment from the old program code to the new program code.
After you hit the Save button, the system will change the icon color to green and will give you a tooltip upon moving your mouse cursor over the icon. It will also show you the transition date in the profile section.
This is how you can move a student’s enrolment from the old program code to the new program code.
On the training plan and results screen, the system will show all the current units from the new program code in the current tab and inactive units from the old program code will appear in the inactive tab.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us on