When you click on the Assessments option, the assessments screen will open, where you can add assessments of the subject as shown below:
When to select the “+Add” button, an assessment entry screen will open as shown below:
Explanation of the fields below:
- Object Type – From the dropdown menu you can select the object type.
- Select Subject – It is a magic search field, where you can select a particular subject.
- Assessment Code – Here you can write assessment code.
- Assessment Name – Here you can write the assessment name.
- Assessment Description – Here you can write an assessment description.
- Sequence No. – Here you can write the sequence number of the assessment.
- Allow Multiple documents – Tick this box if you want to upload multiple documents with one assessment.
- Allow Grading – Tick this box if you want to mark grades for an assessment.
- Allow Resubmission – Tick this box if you want to allow an assessment to be resubmitted.
- Active – Tick this box to make an assessment active.
Then hit the save button, to save an assessment. you can see the saved assessment in the grid below:
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us via support@rtosoftware.com.au
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us on support@rtosoftware.com.au