
The Training NAT00060 (subject) file contains a record for each unit of competency or module associated with enrolment activity during the collection period.
A unit of competency or module can be studied independently but is usually offered as part of a qualification, course or skill set.

Subject identifier112AThe Subject identifier is the subject descriptive code in TEAMS. Where Subjects are part of a training package qualification or national program, the code assigned during the accreditation process must be usedYesQLD, VIC
Subject name13100AThe subject name is the subject descriptive name in TEAMS. If the Subject identifier is listed on the National Register of VET as a unit of competency or accredited unit, then the Subject name must match the subject name listed on the National Register of VET.YesQLD, VIC
Subject field of education identifier1136AA Subject is classified to a single field of education at the detailed (6-digit) level.
A Subject must be classified according to the object of interest of the Subject, independently of the
context in which it may be delivered
VET flag1191AA flag that indicates whether or not the intention of the training is vocational, intent is where the training program is intended to develop relevant skills for theworkplace. The VET Flag is assigned during the process of accreditation and must not be altered.
If the intention of the training program is:
• vocational, set the VET Flag to Y
• not vocational, set the VET Flag to N.
Nominal hours1204NThe nominal anticipated hours of supervised learning or training deemed necessary to adequately
present and assess the educational material associated with the delivery of training.
Subject identifier also exists in NCVER’s nationally agreed hours system file.
Record length for national data collection:123
Carriage return/line feed (ASCII 13/10):2
FieldsWhere to find this in TEAMS
Subject identifierThis is the Subject Descriptive code in the Subject screen on the Details tab.
Subject nameThis is the Subject Descriptive code in the Subject screen on the Details tab.
Subject field of education identifierThis is in the Subject screen > AVETMISS settings.
VET flagThis is in the Subject screen > AVETMISS settings.
Nominal hoursThis is in the Subject screen > AVETMISS settings.


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