There are a few rules that will stop an enrolment from being exported in the AVETMISS export files which are listed below.
Firstly, there are two different types of AVETMISS exports in the system that are:
- National Export – this is to export files to submit to NCVER
- State Export – this allows you to select a specific State and the files will be exported to meet the state level rules for submission to that State
Reason’s that an enrolment will not be in the National Export
- The student is not flagged as AVETMISS. How to check this? Go to the student dashboard and select the Edit Student icon and see if the AVETMISS tick box is selected or not?
- Enrolment is not flagged as Include in National Export. How to check this? Open the Enrolment Dashboard and go to AVETMISS Settings and see if this is selected.
- Result dates for the subjects linked to the enrolment do not fall within the calendar year you selected for the export. How to check this? Open the Enrolment Dashboard > Results & Progress Tile > Training Plan and Results screen. Then look at each subject and its result date, if there are none within the calendar year you selected that is why and you may need to update the result date/s where needed. If you don’t remember or are unsure what calendar year you selected for the export, go to the main menu for Compliance > AVETMISS Export History screen. From the list, look for the last export you did and in the Filters column it will show you the calendar year you selected.
- Enrolment is flagged as Do not include in AVETMISS submission. How to check this? Open the Enrolment Dashboard and go to the Edit Enrolment and see if this is selected.
- Enrolment is not flagged as started. How to check this? Open the Enrolment Dashboard and in the Enrolment Profile tile see if the icon for Started is green or red? If it is red, then it is not started.
- Enrolment is flagged as cancelled. How to check this? Open the Enrolment Dashboard and in the Enrolment Profile tile see if the icon for Cancelled is grey or red? If it is red, then it is cancelled. IMPORTANT: this is the only setting that tells the system that the enrolment is cancelled. If you have an Enrolment Outcome that says cancelled, this is not considered by the system at all as cancelled.
Reason’s that an enrolment will not be in a State Export
- The student is not flagged as AVETMISS. How to check this? Go to the student dashboard and select the Edit Student icon and see if the AVETMISS tick box is selected or not?
- An incorrect state is selected on the enrolment AVETMISS screen. How to check this? Open the Enrolment Dashboard and go to AVETMISS Settings and see if there is a state selected for the State Training Authority field and is it the correct State?
- Result dates don’t fall under the export year parameters. How to check this? Open the Enrolment Dashboard > Results & Progress Tile > Training Plan and Results screen. Then look at each subject and its result date, if there are none within the calendar year you selected that is why and you may need to update the result date/s where needed. If you don’t remember or are unsure what calendar year you selected for the export, go to the main menu for Compliance > AVETMISS Export History screen. From the list, look for the last export you did and in the Filters column it will show you the date range you selected.
- Enrolment is flagged as Do not include in AVETMISS submission. How to check this? Open the Enrolment Dashboard and go to the Edit Enrolment and see if this is selected.
- Enrolment is not flagged as started. How to check this? Open the Enrolment Dashboard and in the Enrolment Profile tile see if the icon for Started is green or red? If it is red, then it is not started.
- Enrolment is flagged as cancelled. How to check this? Open the Enrolment Dashboard and in the Enrolment Profile tile see if the icon for Cancelled is grey or red? If it is red, then it is cancelled. IMPORTANT: this is the only setting that tells the system that the enrolment is cancelled. If you have an Enrolment Outcome that says cancelled, this is not considered by the system at all as cancelled.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 85 05 85 or email us on